
Monday 11 March 2019

Thoughts - Life without God is meaningless.

This post may be a difficult read for some  but it is a subject that was addressed many times in  the bible and one that if more people considered then I believe there would be many more Christians in the world; the subject of life after death. My thoughts this week  have been drawn to people who die without knowing the Lord as their Saviour. This is quite a terrifying thought to think of eternity separate from God and to be cast in to the lake of fire.

Many people go through life not considering what will happen to them after they die. Filling their days with worldly pursuits to keep their mind occupied, but as Ecclesiastes says everything is meaningless without God, a chasing after the wind. It is because of God that we are even here in the first place. So often today you see people set their sites on what to achieve in the here and now rather than considering the state of their soul. This attitude and pressure to achieve, have more and better, puts a strain on people and relationships and can result in considerable stress.

In my last post I mentioned about people being driven to suicide as this seems to be the only way out for them; if we believe the bible to be true then actually we are merely passing through this life for an eternal life and will be held accountable in the next one. Suicide and assisted suicide is a way for man to even control his own death and decide when he wants to die. However, this is not our choice and God is sovereign and in control of all things. God promises to love those who love him and gives purpose to our lives.

Whilst to some Ecclesiastes may come across as fairly negative, it has the underlying promise and assurance that only God can give us. Reading the book of Ecclesiastes has helped me understand human nature more and how a life without God truly is meaningless, regardless on how much we achieve in it.        

Have you trusted in the Lord? Have you cast all your burdens on him? If more people did this then they would not feel the need to bottle everything up and then take their own lives. How great our Lord is that he suffered and died for us and still we can cast all our burdens on him; spending eternity without sorrow or crying.The alternative is to deny God and spend eternity in suffering, which as mentinoned earlier is quite a terrifying thought. Thankfully the Lord has been gracious to me and opened my eyes to this and I hope and pray others have these thoughts to. This is a positive message and one that can bring comfort to those in trouble of mind and soul.


  1. I was just reading JC Ryle on the subject of happiness this morning. True happiness and meaning in life can only be found by knowing the Lord Jesus as our Saviour!

    1. Thanks Ruth - How amazing that we both explored the same subject at the same time.
