
Monday 18 March 2019

Psalm 150:6

Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. What a wonderful positive verse this is to end the book of Psalms. Whenever I read or hear this I always think of our pets as I do believe that all of God's creatures have an awareness of him and the animal world accept this.

It may sound sentimental or not even biblically supported but I do truly believe that the Lord made all creatures to be aware of him but he made us in his own image. Why would the Psalmist say let everything that has breath if it was only referring to humans.

This verse was our go to verse when we buried our pets, it give hope that they have knowledge of the Lord and is supported with talk of the new earth in Revelation.

As I have grown in faith and understanding of the bible I have come to see the Psalms as an amazing book that covers every aspect of life and all the emotions and trials that go with it. I often find comfort in the various psalms and  see something new in them  whenever I sing or read from them.  The Psalms are just as relevant today as they were when they were first written and really show true human nature and both the struggles and joy. I never really appreciated the Psalms in my early Christian walk  but have come to find them to be a great source of encouragement in recent years.

Psalm 150 is such a joyous Psalm as a whole and gives us an insight to what it must have been like to live in the days of the temple when they did use instruments to praise the Lord. 

I have chosen this as verse of the week as it is easy to overlook specific verses in Psalms as there are so many of them but this verse is a special one for Lance and I.    

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