
Tuesday 5 March 2019

Revelation 21:4

I have chosen Revelation 21:4 as this week's verse, as it is such a comforting verse and speaks of God's promise. It also happens to be one of Lance's favourite verses due to its reassuirng nature of the life to come.

It does not matter what we face in this life as long as we put our trust in God and repent of our sins. We have something so much greater waiting for us and all the sin of this world will be wiped away. 

Over the last month or so I have noticed both in the news and people I have been acquintated with have been dying at a similar age to both Lance and I. Some of these due to suicide because they see no way out from the desperate situations that they are in; nothing or no-one in a worldly sense can help them. Many people try to fill what I would call a "spiritual vacuum" with wordly things and this is why so many people suffer and get depressed because they do not address their spiritual side. I will address this issue more in my next "thoughts" post.

Sin is overlooked and quite often embraced in this secular world and all the while it continues more people will suffer and feel depressed. 

Trusting in God and Christ as our saviour does give us hope and a way out of this sinful life. The verse of the week gives us that hope and an indication on how wonderful our eternity as saved sinners it will be.

Revelation 21:4 continues to be a verse we regularly turn to, espescially when our pets died. It helped us understand more about God's promise and I thank the Lord every day for his words. 

This verse emphasises our total relience on the Lord and this not something we can earn or work for ourselves.  

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