
Tuesday 19 February 2019

Special Feature - Coney (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

 Coney (Oryctolagus cuniculus)

Proverbs 30:24 "but they are exceeding wise".

You are probably expecting me to start at the letter A, however I could not start this feature anywhere else other than the original name for Rabbit, which features in a number of places in the Bible.

The word Coney was derived from the scientific name which in part is Cuniculus. The name Coney was the commonly used name for rabbit up to the 18th/19th centuries. In some dialects the word Coney was pronounced Cunny, however the word Cunny during the 19th century became a word used to describe female genitalia so with reference to conies/rabbits the word cunny became bunny which we still use today. Bunny rabbit is a derivation from the original Coney mentioned in the bible.

I believe they were on the ark and were created on the 6th day with all the other mammals, Genesis 1:23/24.

Honey Bunny - with us 2008-2012.

Rabbits really are my favourite of all the amazing creatures God created and whilst they have adapted some what from the original coney they are still wise as these days alot of them live in centrally heated comfy houses🐰 

Other bible references for the Coney:
Leviticus 11:5 
Deuteronomy  14:7  

Next week's feature - THE AXOLOTL.

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