
Monday 18 February 2019

My Biblical Walk Introduction

My name is Jennifer Botelle. I am a Christian who has been married to Lance since 1990, we are of the  "Reformed" position and would be considered "Calvinists", adhering to the "Regulative Principles of Worship". We use the "King James Bible" otherwise known as the "Authorised" version of the Bible as we believe it to be the most accurate English translation from the original texts.

Lance and me 

I have recently been considering how to set up a spiritual journal. I wanted somewhere to collate my thoughts and reflect on how God has led me to where I am now. Lance (my wonderful husband) suggested setting up a blog as this is a good way to collate all the information in one set place. Hence the birth of "My Biblical Walk".

 This blog will mainly focus on my spiritual walk and how the Lord has guided me through this time. It is a personal log but is something that I am happy to share with others. It is my aim to share why I believe what I believe, and why it is so important for us all to consider why we are here on Earth and how it all came about.   

I have worked at Mid-Kent college for over ten years now and for the most part have worked within the Animal Care and Applied Science Department. I am to my knowledge the only Christian in my department and face many challenges around this. The main issue being a Christian Creationist in a department that actively promotes evolution.  

I have a total appreciation of God's creation and a love for animals. I marvel at God's wonderful creation and how the whole eco system works in a way that has to be by design and not just by random chance. This will also be an area of focus in my blog as it is a subject I am passionate about.

My favourite animal is the rabbit, which will become clear on this blog. Over the years, Lance and I have had five house rabbits - Tremble, Anakin, Daisy, Bud & Honey; all with their own unique personalities and great beauty. Our first pet together was a Chinchilla called Squingey. My first pet as a child was a cat called Astra.

Daisy & Bud with us 2008-2013

 I will develop the blog over time and have a variety of features that will appear under the labels. This willthe following as a start:

  • A Biblical Walk - Talks. This will be the main section around my spiritual journey and give lots of detail about my background and how the Lord has led me to where I am today.
  • A Biblical Walk - Thoughts. This will be a place where I will catalogue my various thoughts about current issues, sermons and other occurrences.
  • Verse of the Week - This will start off as verses that are special to me and have helped me in my spiritual journey. 
  • A-Z of the Amazing Bible - A feature that will focus on both the books and characters of the bible and what they mean to me.
  • A-Z of Amazing Animal Facts - This will be a feature looking at the wonder of God's creation and some truly bizarre animal facts that could not happen by random chance.
I may include other features once I have developed my blog further.

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