
Monday 25 February 2019

Psalm 84:3

I have chosen Psalm 84:3 for my verse of the week. I find this verse to be quite humbling under our current circumstances. The Lord is so wonderful that even the little sparrow has a home.

As mentioned in another post there is a large housing estate proposed in the fields just behind our house. So many of the beautiful trees have already been destroyed in preparation of this estate. when I read Psalm 84:3 it makes me feel sad that our current generation has little regard for green space and the beauty and wonder of God's creation.As these housing estates continue to get approval and built all across the UK there becomes less and less space for the humble sparrow to nest.

Lance and I have been very blessed with a lovely home and thankful to God for providing this to us for all these years. I do not want my current concern to be a selfish one and am genuinely concerned for our own community and how the increase in traffic, footfall  and noise; reduction in air quality and decimation of our green space will impact on our communities quality of life. More importantly greed has taken over and God has been pushed out.  These estates are not for the good of the community and whilst under the guise of "affordable housing", often or not the majority of the houses built are not affordable for the vast majority of those who need them.

Psalm 84:3 helps remind me of a thought I had the other day when I remembered this is just our temporary home where we won't have any of these issues in our eternal one.

This situation has also given us the opportunity to meet quite a lot of people in our local community that we would not otherwise have met, so it has been a great way of us to highlight our concerns from a Christian perspective.

The whole of Psalm 84 is a reassuring Psalm for me at this time. It is all about dwelling places and God hearing our prayers.

   Psalm 84:11-12 King James Version (KJV)

11 For the Lord God is a sun and shield: the Lord will give grace and glory: no good thing will he withhold from them that walk uprightly.
12 O Lord of hosts, blessed is the man that trusteth in thee.

This Psalm follows on nicely from last week's verse of the week as I know that God will work for the good of those he has chosen and I need not concern myself with this current situation, especially when I am reminded that even the sparrows have a home. God is with us whereever we live.

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