
Wednesday 14 August 2019

Nahum 1:7 & Joshua 1:9

So much for me keeping my blog up to date😄, but I do realise that the Lord guides me in what to write about and it is not something I should just do for the sake of it. After all the whole idea of this blog was really a spiritual journal for myself. Please also not the August main picture above (Romans 12:16) is not the KJV version and just a summary of the verse, however I could not resist the picture.

Today's verse of the day on the phone was this one from Nahum. When Lance read it  out to me it struck me as such a comforting verse, that no matter what our situation is, even in the moment of death that the Lord knows those who trust in him.

The verse of the day on my watch is Joshua 1:9 and perfectly compliments the other verse in only a way that God can do. The Lord is so amazing to us and gives us so many promises throughout the whole bible that even in times of absolute distress or discomfort he is with us and our great comforter.

It is no coincidence that these 2 verses came up at the same time today and as a result they both make great verses of the week for my blog. These are two good verses to have at a Christians funeral as they cement how we do not need to fear or be afraid as our hope is set on the Lord, however "the fear of the Lord is the beginnig of wisdom" (Psalm 111:10)

It was a real encouragement to us last week when our brother and sister in Christ (Simon & Ruth) paid an importu visit to us. Whilst it was under sad circumstances it was wonderful to share in fellowship with them and then we were discussing how the Lord is always with us and comforts us in times of distress or when we are feeling really down. He also provides friends to help during these times as well and Christians can be there for one another.

I am so thankful that the Lord chose me and that is not to sound arrogant but just very truly grateful.


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