
Tuesday 16 July 2019

Jeremiah 13:4 & Mark 1:6

For some reason I keep thinking I will have more time to add to my blog, then time seems to just fly by. This morning I was reading from Jeremiah and came across a verse that captured my interest. I then went on to read the first chapter of Mark to find what appears to me to bear significance to what I read in Jeremiah. God is truly amazing on how he expounds his word to us. Therefore as it is has been a while I am having 2 verses of the week this week.

I am no biblical scholar and even my KJV bible did not have Jeremiah in the footnote of Mark or vice-versa, however interestingly in Mark 1's footnote it quotes Zechariah 13:4 which is around prophecy, but I do wonder if it should have been Jeremiah 13:4.

Even though I have read both verses on many occasions I had never made the link before, but when reading them straight after each other it is so clear how the Old & New Testaments work so well together forming the whole word of God, with clear links. This is not a link that I had previously connected but when you read further in to Jeremiah 13, God speaks very clearly to how the girdle represents his people cleaving to him.

I do consider this description in Mark 1:6 also demonstrates how John The Baptist cleaved to the Lord and was chosen by him to pave the way for our Lord and Saviour.

Unfortunately the house of Israel and Judah did not listen to the Lord, hence the whole example of Jeremiah burying the girdle and finding it to be marred.

The lesson I get from this is that we should cleave to the Lord in all ways, giving him all the honour, glory and praise, listening to him and hearing what he says to prevent us from straying from the path and to remain faithful and a "holy people". As sinners this is not easy, but I am so thankful that God sent his son to save me from sin so that I can be a new creation and hope to cleave to the Lord as instructed in both Jeremiah 13 and Mark 1.

It does not matter how many times we read the bible the Lord can still open our eyes to something we may not remember or considered before, he is truly amazing in how he works. 

Even though the summer is going quicker than I had realised I hope to add more to my blog over the next few weeks so look out for future articles.

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