
Monday 1 June 2020

Biblical Blog Back Up

I have noticed that there have been a number of views of my blog from the U.S in the last couple of day so feel it is about time I did an update.This has encouraged me to continue with it and the Lord has now provided me with more time to focus on it.

It has been a long while since I  updated my blog and wow what  alot has happened during that time, from Brexit to the Corona-virus as well as a Prince giving up his royal status.

With everything that has been going on I am reminded how the Lord is Sovereign and in control of all things. It is also a reminder of our own mortality and how even something unseen like a virus can come upon us so quickly. How pandemics should encourage society and in this case the whole globe to consider the after-life and what there is. Focu should shift away from wordlywants/needs to spiritual matters.

Every nation of this world has been affected by the Corona-virus in one way or another. It appears to have started in the east and gradually worked its way across the world to the west. All nations have reacted to and been affected by the virus in different ways. Whilst we all look to our governments, scientists and medical professionals to help deal with this situation, there is only one who is in control of it all. The one true God our Lord and Saviour alone has the power to get rid of the virus in an instant. As Psalm 22 says the Lord is our governor.

In the last week I have been reminded that Tuesday 26/5 saw the 80th anniversary of the "National Day of Prayer" in the UK which took place as a request from our King at the time. It has been clearly documented how this day of prayer made a big difference to the situation in Dunkirk and how the weather conditions were perfect when they needed to be - this was all the Lord's doing.

Sadly, at a time when another national day of prayer should have been called there has not been one. This shows how our nation has moved away from relying on the Lord and going to him with prayer and petition. It now seems more important to our nation to "clap for carers" and give praise to people rather than giving the focus to the Lord. What a sad state our nation and in deed a lot of places around the globe have fallen into. Despite not having a national day of prayer, as Christians we can still pray for the situation and have a duty to do so.

This situation has given Lance and I an opportunity to meet virtually in fellowship with other like minded Christians that was not previously available to us before the lock-down in the UK. We are very grateful to the Lord for providing us with technology to do this. We also appreciate the time and effort of Pastor Roy Mohon and his son who have made it possible for us all to meet up in virtual fellowship both on the Lord's day and on a Tuesday evening.

I can only hope and pray that this current situation will change people's outlook and make them realise how we should turn to the Lord for all things.